Obviously you are not WHITE...Interesting reply Vettie I have read many of your other post and you seem to be a very racist person. To answer your questions YES I am aware of everything you mentioned and YES I have told my Black friends how I feel and because they are successful, intelligent people we talk about these things because they are my FRIENDS. We agree on most of our topics.
The only intelligent thing you said was regarding the Hispanic channels on TV etc... I couldn't agree more that this needs to stop. This is United States not Mexico.
As far as the Mexican restaurants it is ridiculous for you to bring this up, I eat at a soul food restaurant once a week (hints the name).
As for the job market believe me no one knows this better than me, I am in a company that his very controlled. I see blacks, Hispanic’s, women get positions all of the time that they do not deserve.
If you want to respond try to control your racism a little.
By: Tammy